Hi Friends -
Autumn is finally, kind of setting in here in Illinois and whether the weather
is cooperative or not, it is time to start our year end Quilt Along. I am so happy
to hear that so many of you plan on joining in on the fun this year. I have posted a
QAL Prep video, which will help you with fabric and other essential information, so
catch that replay.
Earlier this week I received a question from a new quilter about how to create a scrappy quilt if you have no fabric stash to pull from. That is such a good question, as new quilters do not tend to have fabric scraps. As someone that has quilted for decades, that thought had not occurred to me, but it sure was a question that I was inspired by. So, as I thought
many of you may want this information, I posted a new video this morning with tips and
an example of a collection that looks scrappy right from the beginning. See what you think.

In truth, I think that scrappy fabric collections build up rather quickly if you start quilting on a regular basis, but there are ways to make a scrappy quilt as your first project. Check out the video and the tips.
Two weeks ago we had a wonderful time at Wednesday Workshop LIVE as we were celebrating the fact that you all have grown the Build A Quilt channel to over 500k+ subscribers. That is incredible. We played Build A Quilt Trivia, gave away prizes and generally had a fun being together as a community. In my mind - The Build A Quilt Subscribers have built the BEST community on the planet. I cannot wait to see all the quilts we will be making together. There is also a FREE block for you all, the Celebration Cake Block. It is my Thanks to you all and a small way to celebrate the community.
Speaking of all the quilts we will make, I love cheering you all on in your personal projects and I want to do that in this blog. One of our community members, Tenita, has made a beautiful scrappy string pieced throw quilt. This is what happens when you have that scrappy stash and are inspired. Tenita's work is so lovely. Her colors tell a real story. You can see by the colors what type of colors Tenita loves. And that is what scrapy quilts are all about, inspirations, memories, and the people and things we love. Congratulations, Tenita!!!

We have another community member, Cathy, that has recently sent me photos of her friendship braid. We worked on Friendship Braids a few weeks ago and you will be able to find the Replay for that Wednesday Workshop Live on the YouTube channel. Cathy choose the perfect colors for this time of year. These deep rich colors are just beautiful! Once again this a version of scrappy quilting. And if I remember correctly, these were fabrics from a scrap bag that Cathy purchased. A truly lovely piece. Congratulations, Cathy.

As I have been thinking about the idea of scrappy quilts, it occurred to me that Autumn is the perfect time to create scrappy projects, as you have been building up your scrappy stash throughout the year while making other projects. Perhaps we should dedicate a month the going Scrappy!!
Ok dear friends - we will begin our annual Quilt Along on 11/13/24 at 6pm CST on Wednesday Workshop Live. Get your pattern now, start choosing and prepping your fabrics.
If you are a Quilt Lab Subscriber, your pattern is available in the Members Area of the website. The full pattern for non-Quilt Lab subscribers is available in the shop on the website. Fell free to use the coupon - Spooktacular30 thru 10/29/24 on the pattern or any other single BAQ product.
Wishing you all a lovely Autumn. I cannot wait to Quilt Life Beautiful with you all during the Quilt Along.