Now that the year is almost complete, there is so much to do to prepare for 2025. However, this week between Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year is when I like to spend time completing projects. My husband has his own year end projects that he likes to work on, so getting some quilting time is not typically a problem. He's happy for me to work on my projects and I am happy for him to work on his projects. Everyone kicks a goal!
There is still a bit of holiday food around and that makes for great lunches that I call "Pick Lunches," meaning pick around for what you want when you want. Again, everyone is happy and I can continue to quilt! As we only really eat sweets at the holidays, I try to make sure that I make the sweets that my husband loves. In fact, there is still the better part of a large homemade baked cheese cake in the fridge, my husband's favorite, so I'm even clear from making any new desserts. That means quilt, quilt, quilt!!
The first project that I have been working on is the year end Quilt Along. Yes, I'll admit that I have been a bit behind on that as well. As we all meet on January 8, for the last Quilt Along session during Wednesday Workshop, I figure that I should lead the way and have most, if not all, of my quilt top complete.

Here is a photo that I found on my camera roll of the original Inside Out Block that we are using in the Quilt Lab quilt. This reminded me that we are able to create these blocks in any colors or fabrics that we love. Be bold and play with color. There is no wrong color, it's all about what you love. No one has the authority to tell you otherwise.
I have tried to show many things that can help with color matching and shading this year and for me the best of the lot was the Color Cube by Sarah Renae Clark. I am adding a link so that you may hear the creator of the Color Cube talk about the product. She is a different type of artist, but as we know, quilting is art as well and that makes this product perfect for our use.
Build A Quilt is not collaborating with Sarah in any way, but I truly believe that the Color Cube is the best product for quilters to use to help them with color choices. Enjoy the video.
I really do not believe in New Year Resolutions, but I do think that if I try to start my year in the way I wish to proceed, that I will have a better chance of staying on track. So, I have been doing some year end organizing of the studio. I've been creating a more useful and enjoyable space in the studio throughout the year and have shared a few of those ideas in videos. Just this past week I have shared another organizational video to help everyone start the year fresh. The products all come from the Dollar Store, which is not a place that I shop very often for the studio, but these items were a real surprise and a real savings. I'm loving having them in the studio. Check out the video replay...
I consider this past year a huge success for my little business and that is all because of you. Build A Quilt literally grew more than I ever thought it would or could. You may have been a brand new quilter or an experienced quilter, regardless, you tried Build A Quilt and you apparently enjoyed it because you kept coming back and you kept asking questions, you joined our first test year of Quilt Lab and mostly you encouraged and supported my business as it grew and changed through all of the ups and downs. Then you did something else, you told people, you invited people to join in and give Build A Quilt a try. And guess what, they did, by the thousands. I am so humbled and I thank you, thank you, and thank you again. Because of you this new year is going to be bigger, better and even more fun!!!!
I mentioned Quilt Lab and I want to extend a 5$ savings coupon to you for the subscription price for 2025. This year Quilt Lab is going to really knock your socks off. Admittedly, 2024 was a test year for Quilt Lab, but in 2025 Quilt Lab is all grown up. Thank you to each Quilt Lab member that helped to guide the changes and expansion of Quilt Lab 2025.
Coupon - QuiltLab2025 (Expires 1/5/25) Use it at check out when you are purchasing your subscription.
Okay - it's time to get back to quilting. I hope that each of you are taking some time for yourself and your own quilting, over this holiday season. I am so excited to get back together with you all in 2025 and together we will truly - Quilt Life Beautiful !!!