Hello Quilters -
I hope that you all are well and quilting life beautiful this week. This past week was my second full week with Covid-19, but I can report that this morning on Day 13, I have had my first negative test!!! Yeah!!!! I'll test again on Tuesday and if things stay negative, then I will be let loose on society once again. I still feel tired in the afternoon and have no smell or taste, but I have been advised that this could continue for a couple more weeks, but that after my second negative test, I will be considered clear of the virus. Yeah!!!!!
Yesterday, my husband took me for a drive in the country
so that I could at least be out in the gorgeous summer weather. He pre-ordered a couple of coffees for us so that I could stay in the car and then off we went. We were gone for about an hour and half. We saw some lovely barn quilts and the most beautiful hiking area.

Once I am fully recovered, we plan to go on a day hike to this beautiful area. Take a little picnic, do a little hiking, and I plan to take my sketch pad and let nature inspire some new quilts.

I mean who wouldn't be inspired on day that looks like this one.
Speaking of inspiration and maybe a little contemplation, these past two weeks have given me a chance to really think about how I wish for Build A Quilt to go forward. A big part of this contemplation and decision making is because of all of you. I receive at least ten emails a week asking me to change the website and YouTube channel to the name - Build A Quilt. This is something that I have wanted to do for some time, but as Sew In Common already existed as a quilting channel and website, I was afraid to make the change. However, a friend of mine, she is a marketing professional, told me that changing now is actually a small thing, while changing in another year or so would make it far more difficult. And she reminded me that I have the best reason for making the change, that reason is you! You asked for this change so that it would be easier to find the website and channel, so here we go.
We are now known simply as Build A Quilt. I have added the link to Wednesday Workshop LIVE from this past week and at that time I announced this change and a couple more. Give the replay a watch in the next couple of days so that you can catch-up on all that's NEW here at Build A Quilt.
So, how are you all coming along with the Friendship Quilt Along. We began this project a couple of weeks ago. Due to my being ill, I have set the time frame back by one week to give us more time. Do, you have your Mosaic Friendship Block pattern set?

Grab yours now while the coupon code 50Summer2024 is still valid. This code continues through 8/13/24 and you can purchase any one Build A Quilt product for 50% off. And, for this time period I have brought Build A Quilt Basics combo set out of retirement. That means with this coupon, you get 50% the price of this entire 6 piece, multi sized segment set. Trust me you will want this set for something very special that is coming in 2025. It will only be available through 8/13/24.

If you love creating your own quilts and who doesn't then this is the Build A Quilt set that let's you do just that. Do you remember the Kaleidoscope quilt that I created from Lori Holt's book? I used the BAQ: Basics Set to make it.

In fact, I have a special announcement about that quilt. In the Spring of 2025, this quilt will be highlighted at Quilt symposium as an exhibition item, showing the benefits and fun of quilting with patchwork in the hoop. I cannot say more at the moment, but I'm looking forward to giving a lecture demo at that time and helping others Quilt Life Beautiful....
Now, as I close this Quilt Clips post, I want to take a moment to THANK each of you for your love and support during my recent and thankfully short lived illness with Covid-19. Not a day went by when so many of you contacted me to see how I was fairing. Let me tell you, that kept me going, especially late at night when sleep wouldn't come and my fear of what this disease could have been tended to get the best of my rational mind. Thank you for sharing your stories of Covid, it really did help to hear those personal tales. Oddly enough they were somehow quite calming for me. You all just prove the thought that Quilters are the kindest and most friendly people. I am so glad that we are all on the same team. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs!!!!
Until next time,
Quilt Life Beautiful....
Coupon Code - 50Summer2024 - valid through 8/13/24
Wednesday Workshop Live Replay - https://youtube.com/live/hKAP8vOuta0?feature=share