Hello Friends –
Well, when I started writing today’s blog it had turned a lovely autumn temperature of about 59F and the leaves are finally changing, although a bit late as we’ve had a much warmer autumn than normal. This morning when I returned home from my run, I started listening to the local radio station, nothing like good music to get your day started, and the weather reporter said that it is going to be 81F today. I cannot believe that I’m going from sweaters to summer tops in less than 24 hours. However, in my mind it is autumn, and I am thrilled. It is the time of year when the quilts come out and the hot chocolate packets get put next to the coffee. A beautiful time of the year.

I also had the biggest and sweetest surprise. This morning we have reached over 40K subscribers (aka – family members). You all don’t know what this really means to me. To know that over 40K people that love the art of quilting want to quilt along with me. It is humbling and it makes me think of my grandmother. I think she would be so happy to know that I am sharing our favorite pastime with so many. I hope you all realize what a joy you all share when you share your quilts with others, or when you chat and get to know one another. It is truly pretty great!!!
In honor of you all, I have re-listed the 10k Starbursts Build A Quilt block in the website. This Free block was created to celebrate 10k subscribers and was out for a short time, but if you missed getting a copy, you can get it now. https://www.sewincommon.com It will be available until 11/25/23.
Today, I am also prepping the last bits of the new Autumn Glory Block

and project that will post at 12pm CST U.S. Tomorrow, Wednesday 11/24/23 you will be able to watch the video and start making blocks. Next, Wednesday, 11/1/23 there will be a new video with the completed project and additional info. This project will be a smaller quilt project perfect to hang this time of year. You’ll have a lovely project for the Autumn and Thanksgiving season.
This is also Week 2 of our Starlight Starbright Quilt Along. That video is available to watch on the YouTube channel. How is your piecing of the week 1 and week 2 blocks coming along? Don’t get anxious if you are a little behind. Remember, it is not a race. Timelines are only there to help keep you going, not to cause you anxiety. This week’s star is the Inspired Star and it is truly one of my favorites. Truly inspiring.
I would make them all the time, but there are other beautiful blocks that need a chance to be made as well. SO many beautiful blocks, so many beautiful quilts.. ahhh……..
Okay, I hope you are all enjoying the Autumn Glory in your part of the world. I look forward to the weather turning cooler again and for the color to come on fully in the trees. Most of all, I wish you all a wonderful week to…
Sew Life Beautiful….
P.S. Click on the squares for the 10k and QAL Wk2 to go straight to their videos.