My Quilt Journey, travel with me… We are about to begin the fifth month of 2023. Can you believe it? Where has the year gone? I’m currently putting together a large family style picnic for the wonderful people that work for my husband and I was told that there are only two Saturday’s left to reserve in June at our local park. Wowzer!
Well, let the summer come and grace us with her beauty. Here at “Sew In Common”, I have begun our new weekly Video VLOG – My Quilt journey. This all came about because of all of you. You wanted to know my process when quilting. So, what better way than to let you see it in a casual video series. No real lessons or anything like our Block of the Month videos, just me as I am from day to day as I create quilts filled with my love for the recipients. I hope you all enjoy it. You’ll all been so supportive and encouraging, so please continue bringing your thoughts and comments to this video series as you do with the other videos.

In the first episode, I tell you about how I have gone about choosing fabric for a baby quilt and in the second episode, I talk about how we can use our favorite quilt patterns and piece them in the hoop. In the episodes that are coming in the next month or two you see me make these quilts and hopefully I’ll be able to show a photo of the recipients when they receive the quilts as gifts.
The month of May is going to be super busy in my work room as I am finishing up the first block set that is coming June. An actual release date has not been confirmed yet, but it will be soon, and I’ll make sure you all have that date. I am still working on the name for the product, and you can submit your naming ideas and be in the running for a give way if your name is chosen. Just send your thoughts to me at or comment on any of the “Sew In Common” videos that you watch on YouTube.
I am looking forward to having you all travel along with me on my quilting journey and perhaps some of you will quilt along with me as well. That would be the best fun of all.
Peace and joy to you all and
Sew Life Beautiful…
YouTube Channel for videos -
Hi, Diana, I really enjoy the vlogs. Informative and fun. But I like all the content I've watched of yours. It's informative and encouraging. Thanks.