Hello Friends -
I wanted to take some time and write an update in this blog before my energy bottoms out. As you probably already know from earlier messaging, I am in the midst of my first Covid-19 infection. Although I am fully vaccinated and up to date on the vaccinations, I will admit to being a bit scared when I took a test and it was positive. And it turned positive within seconds. The biggest reason for my fear, I must admit harkens back to watching my husband's parents both pass within one exact month of each other because of Covid-19. Their ordeal and last days were hideous. Thinking about it still makes me weep. We were not able to be with them and had to watch them leave this world via computer screen. It was heartbreaking. Sadly, I realize that Dave and I were not alone during the early days of Covid-19 as so many people lost those that they loved so dearly. My scientist brain knew that I would probably not have as hard a time as all of those poor souls, but seeing that positive test after being so careful for long and still being fairly careful, well it just "threw me for a loop" as they say. All that being said, I am having a mild-ish infection and I know given how I normally react to the common cold, that this infection is as mild due to being vaccinated. I am so thankful to be having a relatively easy time of it. I feel like I have a mild head cold, but my energy gets zapped so quickly that it is a bit amazing. Fold a load towels - take an hour nap. Make myself a light lunch - snooze for an bit on and off in the afternoon. Then there are times, when I feel pretty good for hours. So, I surmise that Covid-19 is like nothing I've ever had and is very unpredictable. So, I roll with it, there's not much more that I can do. I'm not taken any antivirals as my doctor and I felt that they really were not warranted in my case. And for those of you that have written and asked about my husband, Dave, he has tested negative twice now. He is following the protocol from his employer - masking, etc. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you that have written. Quilters are the best friends in the world! We both re-test on Saturday - we'll see how it goes.

You can see that I look pretty pitiful, but I do honestly look worse than I feel for the most part.
Moving on... Having to rest a lot, this week has given me time to do a lot of thinking about direction, product and so much more for Build A Quilt. All I will say now is that this time of contemplation has allowed me to really think about the things that I want Build A Quilt to be for myself, but mostly for all of you. I believe that Build A Quilt should be like a living system and change and grow as needed. And none of that is a bad thing, what it really means is that I am clearer in my thoughts and direction and I will be sharing some pretty exciting things with you all in the near future. You all have really inspired me and help to guide me in new and exciting directions. So, stay tuned for the journey to continue with new and fresh ideas, plus the standards that make Build A Quilt the best way to patchwork in the 21st century.
July was a great month for creating blocks with flying geese units and I am just in love with the mosaic patchwork units that were introduced. Our NEW Build A Quilt Single Segments came about because you asked for it. They are a great way to build your Build A Quilt library. For now there are two segment sets - The Mosaic Flying Geese and the Mosaic Friendship/Snowball Block.

Oh the color you can add to your quilt with these beautiful mosaic segments. Plus, they are a fantastic scrap buster. We are currently in process of our Friendship Quilt Along on Wednesday Workshop Live. The Quilt Along uses this very block - get yourself a copy and join in the fun. The Challenge is to make this 30x30 quilt for someone else. A friend, family member, charity, etc... Join us - we are having a great time together. Plus send your block photos to me for "Share" time on Wednesday's . Use the support@sewincommon.com address.
Ok - my dears - I need to wrap this up now. There really is so much more I'd love to talk to you about, and that will come soon, when/as, I'm feeling up to it. This Sunday's Quilt Lab is canceled, but use the time to be productive in ways that make you happy - quilting - spending time with those you love and love you in return. If all continues as it has, I am hoping to be back in the next week, but it may be a week and a half. Fingers crossed that it is sooner. Stay tuned for updates.
To all of our Build A Quilters that are recovering from your own illnesses and surgeries - may your recoveries be full and quick. I think of you all daily and keep you in my thoughts and prayers. We will all get through these days together.
Peace and joy my friends -
Sew Life Beautiful...