So when I finally settled on the name Sew In Common, I knew it was perfect because it was a simple, but true statement. We all have so very much in common and over the last several days my heart has been breaking for the people of Ukraine. I'm tired of crying every evening during the news and last night I knew that it was time to do something. Then, this morning like a light in the dark, I saw that our dear fellow quilter, Pat Sloan has put together this beautiful block and a fund raiser for the children of Ukraine, through UNICEF.
Did you know that we having quilting sisters and brothers in Ukraine? We do and they are like us. Living their daily lives, loving their families and sewing the world beautiful. Pat has been in contact with the head of Ukrainian quilting guild and this woman is helping to get the children of Ukraine to safety. Doesn't that sound like something a quilter would do. As quilters we love helping others, so let's help now! My heart just goes out to her and I am asking you and my fellow quilters to come together and give back in order to help the children of Ukraine. I'm listing the link to Pat's web page with all the information. The block pattern is free, but please consider a donation to the fundraiser if you take the pattern. When you make your block please post a photo with the hashtag #QuiltersStandWithUkaine and #SewInCommon . I would love to see Facebook and the internet full of beautiful quilt blocks supporting the people of Ukraine.
Link to Pat's Blog, Pattern and Fund Raiser:
Many thanks to you all. And as always, go Sew Life Beautiful. I know you will. Diana
