Happy Monday -
It is the Monday, post Super Bowl and I hope all that watched had an enjoyable time. Congratulations to both teams for a good game and an extra BIG Woohoo, Way to GO... to the Kansas City Chiefs on their win!
Let's get into the fabric of the this blog now. No wasting time. If you were with me or watched the replay of last Friday's, Sewcial Friday Live, then you know that I am making the Riley Blake Block Challenge 2024 blocks available for Free in the Build A Quilt patchwork in the hoop system. Already so many of you have downloaded the first block and sent me heartfelt messages of "Thanks". It is indeed my pleasure to be able to do this so that we all can participate in the challenge. Checkout this video for all the details https://youtube.com/live/BBDDvv6RWPg . The Challenge information begins around the 30-34 minute mark, but you will want to watch the entire video in order to catch all of LIVE fun!

The Free Build A Quilt Pattern is available at the website - https://www.sewincommon.com

The first video for the challenge will post on the YouTube channel on Thursday at 4pm CST. Just a little update, I have now digitized the second block and so I will talk about the first two blocks in the first video. We will be caught up in no time and it will be great fun. In the end you will have sixteen (16) beautiful new blocks from the great designers of the Riley Blake universe. You will be able to make all kinds of fantastic quilts and quilted projects with these blocks. They all come in a single size of 10x10, as that is the size the Riley Blake is using for their challenge.
Regarding the Riley Blake fabrics, if you choose to use them, please contact your local Quilt shop or online retailer. I will be using fabrics from my stash, but I will be trying to use the same colors, I was unable to get the fabrics otherwise I would use them. No matter which fabrics that you wish to use, your quilt will be lovely in the end. So, get ready, get set, let's quilt together....
Now that we have added the Riley Blake Block Challenge 2024 to the weekly schedule, we are getting very busy here at Sew In Common. I love being busy when it comes to quilting, but you should all feel free to go at your own pace on any of these projects. Watching the videos will help you decide on what you want to put on your own schedule.
Let's review the weekly videos:
Wednesday - Wednesday Workshop
Thursday - Riley Blake Block Challenge 2024
Friday - Sewcial Friday Live at 3:00pm
Sunday - Quilt Lab
plus, #shorts throughout the week.
Speaking of shorts, I posted one this morning as I need your help. I have completed my Queen of Hearts table topper, but I am undecided on the final layout. Check out this 43 second video and leave your decision on which layout you like best. Many thanks. I thought about it all day yesterday and just cannot decide, so I need my quilty pals to come together and share their thoughts on this one. Another reason that I love quilters, we always have opinions and are kind and ready to share and support when called upon. Thanks!!
Shorts link - https://youtube.com/shorts/01d7H-ByqC8
This photo is our new thumbnail for our #shorts videos. What do you think?

Okay my dear quilty friends, I am wishing you all a wonderful week, and a lovely Valentine's Day. No matter how you celebrate a day love, enjoy yourself, share your love, fell the love in return. I am sending each of you my love and thanks for your support and friendship.
Sew Life Beautiful...