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What's In A Name

Writer's picture: Sew In CommonSew In Common

Hi Friends -

It has been so hot and humid here lately. We normally have temperatures in the 90's during the month of August, but not this year. We have been having 90's and into the 100's since the end of May. I'm really rather over this feeling of being baked. I can only hope that Autumn arrives on time and that

the weather settles. I hope that all of you are safe as well as I know that these weird weather swings are not only occurring here in Illinois, but all over the world. Perhaps we can put a positive spin on things and just consider this hot weather an extension of our time to sew. Yes, I will think of it that way, just more time to stitch up lovely quilts, bags, banners and all the rest.

There is some exciting news around the studio this past week. If you've been able to watch my most recent YouTube videos you know already, but in case your days are full to the brim as well, the BIG news is that we have changed the names of all the groups, and social media sites. Basically it was becoming entirely too confusing to have more than one name out there. Folks were contacting me and not knowing that Heartfelt Creative and Sew In Common were tied to me. I get that, sometimes I was confused as well. So, after a lot of thought and chats with Dave, who always steers me in the right direction, we combined everything under the name Sew In Common. Sew In Common really defines the way that we want the business to be known and the way we want the group to feel. We want everyone that comes our way to feel included and to know that they are wanted. It is my true belief that stitching may bring us together, but we share so many other things in common as women and men of this beautiful planet. And as the saying goes, " "There is always room for one more." So, now on Facebook the main page is Sew In Common, the group is Sew In Common The Group, YouTube is Sew In Common and Instagram is Sew In Common as well.

Shall we chat for a moment about the website. Yes, it is Sew In Common, but for the next few months, it will still be found at the same address This is a domain name thing and that will take a little while to get changed. Not to worry, I'll make sure that everyone know about that change when it happens.

Can I just say how completely thankful I am for all of you that support my undertaking. This is a long held dream and it's only just begun and has such a long way to go to get where Dave and I want it to be, but it will happen in small steps that are done properly. We have the time and we want you all to feel as welcome as if you were family. In all honesty, we think of you all as our family. Because friends are the family we make for ourselves.

I hope you are enjoying the Quilting Library, Good Gadgets, and Sew In Common video series. Until next time....

Sew Life Beautiful....


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